Liguus fasciatus matecumbensis
Pilsbry, 1912

Photos and information on the forms and varieties
of this lower Florida Keys tree snail;
matecumbensis - subcrenatus

Photo page No.4


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Liguus fasciatus matecumbensis
Pilsbry, 1912

Collected on Upper Matecumbe Key, FL.
This is a shell from the colony on Upper Matecumbe Key.
The matecumbensis together with form subcrenatus
are devoid of any pink pigmentation. Pilsbry considered
these two shells to be difficult to place in his classification
scheme because of a lack of definite characters referenced
to other color patterns within the South Florida populations.
L= 50.2 mm ,  W= 26.7 mm
[Collection E. Power]


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Liguus fasciatus matecumbensis
Pilsbry, 1912

Collected in the Flamingo area, South Florida.
This shell is from the Flamingo area in Everglades National Park.
This colony differs from the Upper Matecumbe Key colony
in the larger size and a sea-foam green ground color
with heavier yellow pigmentation at the suture.
L= 51.2 mm ,  W= 24.3 mm
[Collection E. Power]


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Liguus fasciatus matecumbensis
Pilsbry, 1912

Side by side comparison of the previous specimens
showing the difference in background color and sutural color intensity.
These colors are specific to each colony/population.


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Liguus fasciatus matecumbensis
form subcrenatus
Pilsbry, 1912

Collected on Lower Matecumbe Key, FL.
Form subcrenatus was found in a small pure colony on
Lower Matecumbe Key, and sympatric in other Liguus
colonies of the Key except with dohertyi.
It is believed to be extinct in its native location,but survives
in transplanted colonies in the Everglades National Park.
L= 58.9 mm ,  W= 31.7 mm
[Collection E. Power]


Discussion of the matecumbensis - subcrenatus

The following is a synopsis of information on the type subpecies, form or variety
for; type locality, holotype and/or paratype depository and publication of description.

Liguus fasciatus matecumbensis Pilsbry 1912 -
Type locality: Western end Upper Matecumbe Key, Florida.
Holotype:  ANSP No. 8076 at ANSP, Philadelphia.
Description:  Pilsbry 1912, JANSP, (2) 15: p. 446, pl. 37, fig. 5-5a.
(Liguus crenatus matecumbensis)

Liguus fasciatus matecumbensis form subcrenatus Pilsbry 1912 -
Type locality:  Lower Matecumbe Key, from a hammock at the Northeast end of
the key, Florida.
Holotype: ANSP No. 8062 at ANSP, Philadelphia.
Paratype(s): MCZ 48155 at MCZ, Harvard.
Description: Pilsbry 1912, JANSP, (2), 15: p.445, text fig. 11, pl. 37, fig. 7-7a..
(Liguus crenatus subcrenatus)

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