Liguus fasciatus testudineus
Pilsbry, 1912

Photos and information on the forms and varieties
of this Florida tree snail;
farnumi - floridanus - violafumosus - gloriasylvaticus
nebulosus - solisoccasus - lucidovarius

  Photo page No. 10


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Liguus fasciatus testudineus
variety farnumi
Clench, 1929
This variety is believed extinct. It was found in a  series of very
small hammocks comprising PC #7 and Hammock #8, in the Pinecrest area.
These hammocks, in the midst of what little development has
occurred in Pinecrest, have been largely destroyed
by fire and hunter's Off Road Vehicle traffic.
[Collection E. Power]
L= 56.4  mm   W= 28.4  mm



Liguus fasciatus testudineus
variety farnumi
Clench, 1929
Dorsal and aperture views of holotype MCZ 084586
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard
Collected by W. Clench, Hammock #7, 
Pinecrest area, Florida
[Special thanks to MCZ (Harvard) and Mr. Adam J. Baldinger, 
Curatorial Associate in Malacology at MCZ, for the digital photos
of the holotype and paratype specimens.]


Liguus fasciatus testudineus
variety farnumi
Clench, 1929
Dorsal and aperture views of paratype MCZ 084558
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard
Collected by W. Clench, Hammock #7, 
Pinecrest area, Florida
[Special thanks to MCZ (Harvard) and  Mr. Adam J. Baldinger, 
Curatorial Associate  in Malacology at MCZ, for the digital photos
of the holotype and paratype specimens.]


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Liguus fasciatus testudineus
variety floridanus
Clench, 1929
The variety floridanus is intermediate between barbouri and farnumi,
however it exhibits several characters peculiar to itself. It is far more
globose than either and has very little mottling of color between the bands
of mahogany brown. This is a topotype collected at PC #8 in the Pinecrest
area of the Everglades.
[Collection E. Power]
L= 51.5  mm   W= 29.7  mm

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Hammock #8 Pinecrest

Vehlen Hammock, Central Plains

Hammock #20, Central Plains

Liguus fasciatus testudineus
variety floridanus
Clench, 1929
The variety floridanus is found in the in the Pinecrest area
and the Central Plains region of the Everglades. The above
specimens show the variation among the colonies.
[Collection E. Power]


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Liguus fasciatus testudineus
variety violafumosus
Doe, 1937
Collected at Hammock #28, Pinecrest Region.
This variety is extinct due to several fires which devastated
Hammock PC # 28 and PC #30 in the Pinecrest area.
Close to floridanus, this variety has a unique violet gray tint in
the intermediate  whorls.
[Collection E. Power]
L= 52.7  mm   W= 29.6  mm


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Liguus fasciatus testudineus
variety gloriasylvaticus
Doe, 1937
This variety is close to barbouri but differs in having profuse streaking
and lacks in any bluish gray band colors. It is found in Collier County,
just north of the Pinecrest area, Collected at Bloodhound Hammock.
[Collection E. Power]
L= 50.9  mm   W= 28.8  mm


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Liguus fasciatus testudineus
variety nebulosus
Doe, 1937
The variety nebulosus is very close to gloriasylvaticus but has a less developed pattern in the later whorls. Also found together with
gloriasylvaticus in the Collier County area north of Pinecrest.
Collected at Bloodhound Hammock.
[Collection E. Power]
L= 46.2  mm   W= 24.3  mm


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Liguus fasciatus testudineus
variety solisoccasus
de Boe, 1933
This variety is found in Hammock CC #13 and nearby hammocks
in Collier County. Some authorities have stated that it is close
to the variety clenchi but this is doubtful as many color characters
are totally different. Collected at Hammock #13.
[Collection E. Power]
L= 47.1  mm   W= 24.7  mm


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Liguus fasciatus testudineus
variety lucidovarius
Doe, 1937
An uncommon shell, it is found in Hammock PC #11 in the Pinecrest
area south of the Loop Road. The small hammock has been ravaged
by fires and at one time the variety was thought to be
extinct in its native habitat.
[Collection E. Power]
L= 51.4  mm   W= 24.5  mm


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Liguus fasciatus testudineus
variety lucidovarius
Doe, 1937
A series showing slight variations, all from Hammock PC #11 in
the Pinecrest Region south of the Loop Road.
[Collection E. Power]

Discussion of the   farnumi - floridanus - violafumosus - gloriasylvaticus
                                          nebulosus - solisoccasus - lucidovarius

The following is a synopsis of information on the type subpecies, form or variety
for; type locality, holotype and/or paratype depository and publication of description.

Liguus fasciatus testudineus variety farnumi Clench 1929 -
Type locality: Hammock No. 7, Pinecrest Region, Florida.
Holotype:  MCZ No. 084586 at MCZ, Harvard.
Description:  Clench 1929, TN, 43: p. 19. (Liguus crenatus farnumi).
Special thanks to MCZ (Harvard) and Mr. Adam J. Baldinger,
Curatorial Associate in Malacology at MCZ, for the digital photos
of the holotype and paratype specimens.

Liguus fasciatus testudineus variety floridanus Clench 1929 -
Type locality:  Hammock No. 8, Pinecrest Region, Florida.
Holotype: MCZ No. 84559 at MCZ, Harvard.
Description: Clench 1929, TN, 43: p. 20. (Liguus crenatus floridanus).

Liguus fasciatus testudineus variety violafumosus Doe 1937 -
Type locality:  Florida. [Occurs in a colony in Hammock No. 28, Pinecrest]
Holotype: Grimshawe collection No. (?), whereabouts (?)
Description: Doe 1937, NM, 29 (2): p. 83, 4th text-fig, No. 8.
([L]iguus crenatus marmoratus violafumosus).

Liguus fasciatus testudineus variety gloriasylvaticus  Doe 1937 -
Type locality: Florida.["Bloodhound Hammock", Collier County, Florida]
Holotype: Grimshawe collection No. (?), whereabouts (?)
Description:  Doe 1937, NM, 29 (2): p. 83, 3d text-fig, No. 7.
([L]iguus crenatus gloriasylvatica).

Liguus fasciatus testudineus variety nebulosus Doe 1937 -
Type locality: Florida.["Bloodhound Hammock", Collier County, Florida]
Holotype: Grimshawe collection No. (?), whereabouts (?)
Description: Doe 1937, NM, 29 (2): p. 82, 2d text-fig, No. 4.
([L]iguus crenatus nebulosus).

Liguus fasciatus testudineus variety solisoccasus deBoe 1933 -
Type locality: Hammock No. CC6, Collier Co.,Florida.
Holotype: Collection and No. (?). [Type and paratypes figured in Pilsbry,
LMNA, VolII, Part I:p. 84, fig. 39 e-f, g being the type]
Description: deBoe 1933, TN, 47: p.68, pl. 6, fig. 5,6.
(Liguus fasciatus solisoccasus).

Liguus fasciatus testudineus variety lucidovarius Doe 1937 -
Type locality:  Florida.[Hammock No. 11, Pinecrest Region, Florida]
Holotype: Grimshawe collection No. (?), whereabouts (?)
Description: Doe 1937, NM, 29 (2): p. 82, 2d text-fig, No. 6.
([L]iguus crenatus lucidovarius).

Abbreviation Page