Liguus fasciatus castaneozonatus
Pilsbry, 1912

Photos and information on the forms and varieties
of this widespread Florida tree snail;
humesi - framptoni - alternatus - roseatus - lineolatus - livingstoni
Photo page No. 6


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Liguus fasciatus castaneozonatus
form humesi
Jones, 1979

Collected in the Southern Everglades, FL.
This shell is from an isolated group of
hammocks in the southern Everglades and
is one of the most recently discovered color forms.
The population of the mixed colony consisted
largely of castaneozonatus with a smaller number
of humesi and the related form framptoni.
[Collection E. Power]
L= 52  mm   W= 25.1  mm


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Liguus fasciatus castaneozonatus
variety framptoni
Jones, 1979

Collected in the Southern Everglades, FL.
This variety is very similar to humesi but differs in having
dark pink bordered columellar and parietal regions. The apex, on both varieties,
is pink, however  framptoni has a minute dark brown spot at the tip of the apex.

[Collection E. Power]
L= 44.3  mm   W= 23.4  mm


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Liguus fasciatus castaneozonatus
form alternatus
Simpson, 1920

Collected at Timm's Hammock, Dade Co., FL.
This attractive and uncommon shell is found in Timm's Hammock
in the Redland area of  Southern Dade Co. It has been reported
rarely from Cox Hammock, also in So. Dade Co..
[Collection E. Power]
L= 50.3  mm   W= 26.5  mm


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Liguus fasciatus castaneozonatus
form roseatus
Pilsbry, 1912

Collected in Brickell Hammock, Miami, FL.
This is probably one of the most widespread forms of the Liguus
in the Florida region and existing in mixed colonies usually with
castaneozonatus. Some malacologists consider it to be a
castaneozonatus that has lost all dark pigmentation.
[Collection E. Power]
L= 55.6  mm   W= 27.1  mm


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Liguus fasciatus castaneozonatus
variety lineolatus
Simpson, 1920

Collected at Totten Key and Key Largo, FL.
The shell on the left is from the colony on Totten Key and the
smaller shell on the right is typical of the colonies on Key Largo.
Very similar to form roseatus, it differs in the lack of
banding on all whorls.
[Collection E. Power]
(left) L= 58.6  mm   W= 26.4  mm, (right) L= 53.7  mm   W= 27.2  mm


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Liguus fasciatus castaneozonatus
variety livingstoni
Simpson, 1920

Collected at Brickell Hammock, Miami, FL.
This variety occurs in Miami's Brickell Hammock. It has some
of the intense pink coloring of roseatus but lacks yellow
pigmentation and is characterized by having a profuse area of
green lines on the last and penultimate whorls.
[Collection E. Power]
L= 55.2  mm   W= 29.3  mm


Discussion of the  humesi - framptoni - alternatus - roseatus - lineolatus - livingstoni

The following is a synopsis of information on the type subpecies, form or variety
for; type locality, holotype and/or paratype depository and publication of description.

Liguus fasciatus castaneozonatus variety humesi Jones 1979 -
Type locality: An isolated group of hammocks in the Southern Everglades, Florida.
Holotype:  USNM No. (?) at USNM, Washington DC.
Paratype(s): No. (?) at MCZ, FLMNH, ANSP, USNM & ENPKC.
Description:  Jones 1979, TN, 94 (4): p. 154-156, fig. 5-6.
(Liguus fasciatus form humesi).

Liguus fasciatus castaneozonatus variety framptoni Jones 1979 -
Type locality:  An isolated group of hammocks in the Southern Everglades, Florida.
Holotype: USNM No. (?) at USNM, Washington DC.
Paratype(s): No. (?) at MCZ, FLMNH, ANSP, USNM & ENPKC.
Description: Jones 1979, TN, 94 (4): p. 155-156, fig. 7-8.
(Liguus fasciatus form framptoni).

Liguus fasciatus castaneozonatus form alternatus Simpson 1920 -
Type locality: Timb's Hammock (Timm's), Dade Co., Florida
Holotype: FLMNH No. 241003 (Simpson coll. leg. UM) at FLMNH, Gainesville.
Paratype(s): MCZ 85895 at MCZ, Harvard.
Description: Simpson 1920, LFW, frontispiece, fig. 8; PBSW, 33: p. 123.
(Liguus fasciatus alternatus).

Liguus fasciatus castaneozonatus form roseatus  Pilsbry 1912 -
Type locality: Goodland Point, Key Marco [Marco Island], Florida.
Holotype: ANSP No. 8055 at ANSP, Philadelphia.
Description:  Pilsbry 1912, JANSP, (2) 15: p. 432, pl. 38, fig. 11-12b.
(Liguus fasciatus roseatus)

Liguus fasciatus castaneozonatus variety lineolatus Simpson 1920 -
Type locality: Totten's Key, Florida.
Holotype: FLMNH No. 241018 (Simpson coll. leg. UM) at FLMNH, Gainesville.
Description: Simpson 1920, LFW, frontispiece, fig. 2; PBSW, 33: p. 124.
(Liguus fasciatus lineolatus).

Liguus fasciatus castaneozonatus variety livingstoni Simpson 1920 -
Type locality: North end Brickell Hammock, Miami, Florida.
Holotype: FLMNH No. 241002 (Simpson coll. leg. UM) at FLMNH, Gainesville.
Paratype(s): MCZ 85896 at MCZ, Harvard; USNM No. 339102 USNM, Washington, DC;
ANSP No. 128131 at ANSP, Philadelphia.
Description: Simpson 1920, PBSW, 33: p. 124. (Liguus fasciatus livingstoni).

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